
The Valentinos Meet Daven - Part III

Link to the Rudolph Valentino Podcast here:

Rudolph Valentino & The André Daven Hoax

In the interest of providing documentation and truth about André L. Daven and his affiliation with Rudolph Valentino, I recorded a podcast episode which I titled, "Rudolph Valentino & The André Daven Hoax". In this blog, I share further documentation, images and research material along with excerpts from the podcast script. Please view the podcast's accompanying video through this link

How did André Daven come to be cast in his brief appearance in Valentino's 1924 movie, Monsieur Beaucaire? This came about as the result of an invitation from Natacha and Rudolph Valentino with a couple of different versions of how and where the Valentino's first met André Daven.

At the time, in the summer of 1923, Daven was working as a free-lance journalist in Paris and as an assistant to Jacques Hébertot who was then the director of the Champs Élyseés Theater.

One version alleges the Valentinos met Daven when he interviewed them during their visit to Paris in 1923. While another version is purported by the French journalist, Michel Duran, who wrote in Marianne: Grand Hebdomadaire Litteraire Illustre, (The Great Illustrated Literary Weekly) published on August 3, 1933, that André Daven met Mr. and Mrs. Valentino in an upscale bar in Paris, called the Clown Footit. This bar was located on the Rue Montaigne close by the Hotel Plaza Athenée where the Valentino's stayed when in Paris.

It was in bars such as the Clown Footit where Daven and other Parisian journalists cultivated their well-to-do contacts. Whether for an article they could sell by the inch to a newspaper or magazine or for nothing more than social prestige, there was competition among the ranks of those local reporters. Conversely, celebrities visiting Paris exploited the hungry reporters by sauntering in for a few cocktails with a guarantee of garnering some fabulous press.

By all accounts, André Daven is described as having been an extremely handsome, dark-skinned young man of slight build who greatly resembled Rudolph Valentino. At the time he was twenty-four years old and as we mentioned he was then living with his girlfriend Yvonne Legeay who was seven years older than he was.

And by all accounts, André Daven is reported to have exuded the demeanor of a prince while decked out in a wardrobe demonstrating an admirably fastidious personal taste. So it is not surprising Natacha and Rudolph Valentino would be charmed and comment immediately upon Daven's potential career in the movies. They both also saw him as a perfect double for Rudy and in this they recognized his value.

I think it is relevant to place this into a broader perspective by mentioning how Daven was not the only French citizen Rudolph Valentino gave a nod to professionally on that trip to France in 1923. His desire to establish a collaboration with French cinema was duly noted by the French press. According to the Valentino's friend, the French director, René Clair, Rudy extended his famous hand not only to André Daven but to other actors whom he also agreed to cast in Monsieur Beaucaire.

I excerpt a letter written by René Clair which is published in its entirety in Jeanne de Recqueville's book Rudolph Valentino.

As translated into English:

He (Rudolph Valentino) is the only one, to my knowledge, who tried to have a French film produced in America. This is a very recent matter and I know well about this subject. Yet knowing the hostility towards France, of the germanoganglican world of the Hollywood studios and, moreover, of one of our supposed friends, we can only feel, toward Rudolph Valentino, true gratitude. Finally, he does not announce, like so many others, large work projects in France. He is the only one to really think about it. It is possible that in the future he will allow me to give you details on this point.

I would add that for his latest film, Monsieur Beaucaire, Rudolph Valentino hired, in addition to André Daven, a French girl, Ms. Paulette Duval, and he commissioned the costumes for the movie to a French artist.”

So it was not unusual for the Valentino's to spot a new discovery.  Natacha Rambova discovered the designer Adrian, the actress Myrna Loy and Rudolph would have his business manager George Ullman negotiate a contract with Metro studios for his Monsieur Beaucaire co-star Doris Kenyon and I cite that to Ullman's 1975 memoir titled, The S. George Ullman Memoir on p. 37. I think this is all evidence of Valentino's entrepreneurial interest in cinema as an art form which is also apparent in Natacha. These two certainly recognized their power as talent scouts and mentors.

In the nationally serialized, “My Life by Rudolph Valentino”, which was reissued after his death, Rudolph Valentino explains why he selected someone like Daven to come to America and appear in movies.

As excerpted from, The Oakland Tribune, September 25, 1926 issue which was carried by wire services and appeared in papers across the country.

The André Daven Hoax Intro - Part II

Link to the Rudolph Valentino Podcast here:

Rudolph Valentino & The André Daven Hoax

In the interest of providing documentation and truth about André L. Daven and his affiliation with Rudolph Valentino, I recorded a podcast episode which I titled, "Rudolph Valentino & The André Daven Hoax". In this blog, I share further documentation, images and research material along with excerpts from the podcast script. Please view the podcast's accompanying video through this link

One of many immigration documents on André Daven verifying his travels and application for U.S. naturalization. 

We are now able to refute the André Daven hoax. This outrageous claim plagues Valentino's legacy today and represents a line drawn in the sand; a line drawn by liars and thieves of the truth. Any crossing this line by disputing their premise that Valentino and Daven were lovers is met with an immediate accusation of homophobia. Any demand for proof or documentation in questioning these insinuations most always results in one's being deleted and blocked from the meekest discussion in online forums and groups. This is a fiercely defended hoax.

I refute the premise André Daven was Rudolph Valentino's greatest love, refute the premise he discovered Josephine Baker, refute the premise Daven attended Valentino's funeral and refute the premise he was one of Valentino's pallbearer.

I present the case this is a calculated hoax spawned originally by a Valentino porn fiction writer and now perpetuated by his intellectually dishonest followers. I will be referring to the Valentino porn fiction writer as this pseudonym because I do not want to have his name associated with mine or that of Rudolph Valentino any longer. 

I will explain why I allege the André Daven hoax is homophobic in origin and on the eve of a brand new year and decade, I present this documentation in the spirit of presenting Valentino's battered legacy with some fresh truth. I call for positive action to expose this false narrative and its accompanying vitriol which should no longer have a place in the discussion of one, Rudolph Valentino.

A. Daven's Letters to Yvonne Legeay - Part I

Link to the Rudolph Valentino Podcast here:

Rudolph Valentino & The André Daven Hoax

André Daven and his wife Danièle Parola

In the interest of providing documentation and truth about André L. Daven and his affiliation with Rudolph Valentino, I recorded a podcast episode which I titled, "Rudolph Valentino & The André Daven Hoax". In this blog, I share further documentation, images and research material along with excerpts from the podcast script. Please view the podcast's accompanying video through this link

I excerpt Rudolph Valentino by Jeanne de Recqueville published by Editions France-Empire in 1978. I share a translation from the French.

'While in Paris in August of 1923, Rudy Valentino told a young journalist André Daven:

'You should be in the movies.'

Less than one year later, Rudy sends André an invitation which is accepted. Daven leaves Paris and his young girlfriend Yvonne Legeay. (Yvonne Legeay stars as a singer and dancer at the Parisian club the Moulin Rouge and also works as a theatrical and cinema actress) Daven leaves Paris and Yvonne to cross the Atlantic to become Rudolph Valentino's brother, in his movie, Monsieur Beaucaire and in life, Rudy Valentino's congenial friend. In the studio while filming, they are really believed to be two brothers. Even if Daven's role is not a major one, being both the onscreen 'brother' and the friend of the film's star is an auspicious beginning of a career.

To his Parisian girlfriend Yvonne Legeay, Daven writes regularly and at length, on stationary with the letterhead of Ritz-Carlton Pictures Inc., 48th Street, and an imprint on the left reading, 'Office of Mr. Rudolph Valentino.'

'I have only two scenes,' writes Daven to Yvonne, 'but it's a coincidence that these two scenes are, one at the beginning and the other exactly at the end of the film. This requires that I be engaged for the duration of the entire film.'

Because this was the process of filming then! The shooting was scheduled chronologically or otherwise Daven would have appeared in his two scenes, one after the other, and would have been released quickly.

'For most of my time,' André writes on to his girlfriend Yvonne Legeay, 'I mingle with the crowd on the set because Rudy wants me to be in the studio so I get the necessary experience for a role he says he has for me in another movie. I earn sixty dollars a week and Rudy gives me fifty dollars more for working on his advertising. In total, therefore, I earn one hundred and ten dollars a week. I hope I can save seventy a week. I have only twenty dollars a week for my room rental and with the rest I think I can suffice. Rudy does not want me to eat outside the studio commissary or elsewhere unless he is present and I also am a driver of his car.'

This proves that Rudy, with his generosity, endeavored to make Daven's stay in the United States as pleasant as possible."

How did this remote, relatively unknown Frenchman, André Daven, who appeared in a minor role in one of Rudolph Valentino's films, come today to be known as Rudolph Valentino's greatest love with one website referring to Daven as Valentino's “wife”?

How did such rampant fiction come to be repeated everywhere online and why are there blogs devoted to their alleged love affair? Why is their someone pretending to be André Daven appearing here and there to comment in Facebook group discussions today? What is the fascination with this false and pervasive dross about Valentino and why do people fear to publicly question the very premise?

We have now learned just who André Daven really was and the truth about his relationship to Valentino is now fact; as confirmed by newly-discovered documentation. It has been definitively proven what caused Daven's abrupt departure from New York City in June of 1924 and the severing of Natacha Rambova and Rudolph Valentino's sponsorship.

In this blog I will dissect and dispel the trenchant lies about Valentino and Daven which have been and still are being masqueraded as truth.